About Us

Legal Offensive Against Hate Groups

The Nagen Project took a bold and leading role in initiating Integrity First for America’s successful lawsuit. This legal offensive against hate groups resulted in a landmark civil suit, securing millions in damages and delivering a powerful blow to the financial underpinnings of extremist movements.

Countering Infiltration of Biased Curricula

Recognizing the urgent need for action, the Nagen Project spearheaded a strategic collaboration with The Jewish Institute for Liberal Values (JILV). Together, we devised initiatives to counter the insidious infiltration of biased curricula, ensuring a proactive stance against ideological threats in K-12 education.

University Presidents Summit on Campus Antisemitism

The Nagen Project not only proposed but took the lead in orchestrating a groundbreaking initiative – the University Presidents Summit on Campus Antisemitism. This led to a second conference focussed on bringing university DEI administrators together. By the end of 2024 we plan to have over 500 presidents and senior DEI administrators attend our conferences. Partnering with Hillel on the vision and funding, we brought together university leaders from over 500 institutions, marking a pivotal moment in addressing and combatting antisemitism on college campuses.

Mapping Radical Groups and Providing Intelligence

Recognizing the need for strategic intelligence, the Nagen Project initiated a crucial partnership with The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). Together, we embarked on mapping radical groups, providing policymakers and law enforcement with invaluable insights to effectively counteract antisemitic threats.

Investigating Foreign Funding and Legal Actions

Understanding the negative impact of foreign funding on Jewish students, the Nagen Project took a leading role in partnering with the Lawfare Project. Together, we initiated a comprehensive study, analyzing legal actions and strategies to address this critical problem, ensuring a robust response to external influences breeding antisemitism.