Join the fight against Antisemitism
The Nagen Project

The Nagen Project stands at the forefront of a crucial battle against antisemitism, fighting not just for the present but for the future of North American Jews. Our adversaries have meticulously pursued control over media, K-12 education, and universities, using tactics reminiscent of those employed by the Nazis. The urgency of our mission cannot be overstated: future generations of Jewish children may suffer irreversible consequences unless we act now. The Nagen Project’s approach is comprehensive and multifaceted, from freeing K-12 education of radical curricula to tackling structural antisemitism on university campuses. We engage in research, legal actions, and strategic communications to drive impactful results. We are a dedicated, self-funded, and non-political group, committed to securing the safety and well-being of North American Jews for generations to come.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear: to pivot from ‘losing’ to ‘winning’ strategies in combating antisemitism. We aim to leverage collective talents, adopting outcome-oriented tactics to counter and deter antisemitism in North America. Collaboration is at our core, uniting various entities against this common threat. We focus primarily in two core areas: primary and secondary schools (K-12) reshaping the landscape of how young people are educated; and on college campuses and making a difference to eliminate radical groups like Students for Justice in Palestine. Our ultimate objective is to provide a brighter and safer future for our children and grandchildren as we continue to commit to changing the hearts and minds of the progressive community.

Our Approach

Albert Einstein’s words resonate deeply: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” The Nagen Project advocates for new paradigms that prioritize outcomes over activities, engage in psychological battles on both defensive and offensive fronts, and partner with innovative organizations and philanthropists.

Our Impact

Since 2021, the Nagen Project has spearheaded impactful initiatives. From supporting legal battles against hate groups to partnering with educational institutions to combat biased curricula, we’ve made tangible strides in the fight against antisemitism.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, our focus intensifies. We’re initiating a three-year strategic plan, leveraging expertise from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), to fortify our efforts. This plan encompasses maintaining support for ongoing projects, strategic communications, legal leadership, and government relations to undermine our adversaries.

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